SP 500 Index Futures
Subscription terms. Subscriptions to this system cost $125.00 per month.
C2Star is a certification program for trading strategies. In order to become "C2Star Certified," a strategy must apply tight risk controls, and must exhibit excellent performance characteristics, including low drawdowns.
You can read more about C2Star certification requirements here.
Note that: all trading strategies are risky, and C2Star Certification does not imply that a strategy is low risk.
Short Term
Makes short-term trades or bases analysis on short-term market movements.Rate of Return Calculations
To comply with NFA regulations, we display Cumulative Rate of Return for strategies with a track record of less than one year. For strategies with longer track records, we display Annualized (Compounded) Rate of Return.
How Annualized (Compounded) Rate of Return is calculated
= ((Ending_equity / Starting_equity) ^ (1 / age_in_years)) - 1
Remember that, following NFA requirements, strategy subscription costs and estimated commissions are included in marked-to-market equity calculations.
All results are hypothetical.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | YTD | |
2024 | +17.6% | +9.7% | +11.2% | (2.9%) | (19.9%) | (3.9%) | +7.2% | (11.1%) | (34%) | +16.5% | (5.3%) | (57.6%) | (68.5%) |
2025 | +64.1% | - | - | +64.1% |
Model Account Details
A trading strategy on Collective2. Follow it in your broker account, or use a free simulated trading account.
Advanced users may want to use this information to adjust their AutoTrade scaling, or merely to understand the magnitudes of the nearby chart.
Started | $25,000 | |
Buy Power | $20,729 | |
Cash | $20,729 | |
Equity | $0 | |
Cumulative $ | ($4,270) | |
Total System Equity | $20,729 | |
Margined | $0 | |
Open P/L | $0 |
Trading Record
Strategy began1/5/2024
Suggested Minimum Cap$25,000
Strategy Age (days)423.97
Age14 months ago
What it tradesFutures
# Trades513
# Profitable432
% Profitable84.20%
Avg trade duration10.7 hours
Max peak-to-valley drawdown79.04%
drawdown periodMarch 14, 2024 - Dec 30, 2024
Annual Return (Compounded)-41.7%
Avg win$319.00
Avg loss$1,753
- Model Account Values (Raw)
Margin Used$0
Buying Power$20,729
- Ratios
W:L ratio0.97:1
Sharpe Ratio0.04
Sortino Ratio0.05
Calmar Ratio-0.304
Return of Strat Pcnt - Return of SP500 Pcnt (cumu)-71.36%
Correlation to SP500-0.02750
Return Percent SP500 (cumu) during strategy life22.84%
- Return Statistics
Ann Return (w trading costs)-41.7%
- Slump
Current Slump as Pcnt Equity190.80%
- Instruments
Percent Trades Futures1.00%
- Slump
Current Slump, time of slump as pcnt of strategy life0.84%
- Return Statistics
Return Pcnt Since TOS Statusn/a
- Instruments
Short Options - Percent Covered100.00%
- Return Statistics
Return Pcnt (Compound or Annual, age-based, NFA compliant)-0.417%
- Instruments
Percent Trades Optionsn/a
Percent Trades Stocksn/a
Percent Trades Forexn/a
- Return Statistics
Ann Return (Compnd, No Fees)-14.7%
- Risk of Ruin (Monte-Carlo)
Chance of 10% account loss100.00%
Chance of 20% account loss93.50%
Chance of 30% account loss85.00%
Chance of 40% account loss64.00%
Chance of 60% account loss (Monte Carlo)8.50%
Chance of 70% account loss (Monte Carlo)1.00%
Chance of 80% account loss (Monte Carlo)0.50%
Chance of 90% account loss (Monte Carlo)n/a
- Automation
Percentage Signals Automated0.06%
- Risk of Ruin (Monte-Carlo)
Chance of 50% account loss33.50%
- Popularity
Popularity (Today)0
Popularity (Last 6 weeks)0
- Trading Style
Any stock shorts? 0/10
- Popularity
Popularity (7 days, Percentile 1000 scale)0
- Trades-Own-System Certification
Trades Own System?-
TOS percentn/a
- Win / Loss
Avg Loss$1,754
Avg Win$319
Sum Trade PL (losers)$142,053.000
- Age
Num Months filled monthly returns table15
- Win / Loss
Sum Trade PL (winners)$137,808.000
# Winners432
Num Months Winners6
- Dividends
Dividends Received in Model Acct0
- Win / Loss
# Losers81
% Winners84.2%
- Frequency
Avg Position Time (mins)641.07
Avg Position Time (hrs)10.68
Avg Trade Length0.4 days
Last Trade Ago59
- Leverage
Daily leverage (average)10.25
Daily leverage (max)26.37
- Regression
Treynor Index-0.05
- Maximum Adverse Excursion (MAE)
MAE:Equity, average, all trades0.00
MAE:PL - worst single value for strategy-
MAE:PL (avg, winning trades)-
MAE:PL (avg, losing trades)-
MAE:PL (avg, all trades)0.03
MAE:Equity, average, winning trades0.00
MAE:Equity, average, losing trades-
Avg(MAE) / Avg(PL) - All trades0.029
MAE:Equity, losing trades only, 95th Percentile Value for this strat-
MAE:Equity, win trades only, 95th Percentile Value for this strat-
MAE:Equity, 95th Percentile Value for this strat-
Avg(MAE) / Avg(PL) - Winning trades0.029
Avg(MAE) / Avg(PL) - Losing trades-
Hold-and-Hope Ratio34.237
- Analysis based on MONTHLY values, full history
- Ratio statistics of excess return rates
- Statistics related to Sharpe ratio
Sharpe ratio (Glass type estimate)0.01699
Sharpe ratio (Hedges UMVUE)0.01580
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for Sharpe Ratio-1.94334
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for Sharpe Ratio1.97661
Lowerbound of 95% CI (Gibbons, Hedeker & Davis approximation-1.94417
Upperbound of 95% CI (Gibbons, Hedeker & Davis approximation1.97577
- Statistics related to Sortino ratio
Sortino ratio0.02338
Upside Potential Ratio2.09353
Upside part of mean1.09526
Downside part of mean-1.08302
Upside SD0.44891
Downside SD0.52316
N nonnegative terms7.00000
N negative terms5.00000
- Statistics related to linear regression on benchmark
N of observations12.00000
Mean of predictor0.21154
Mean of criterion0.01223
SD of predictor0.12954
SD of criterion0.72000
b (slope, estimate of beta)0.48145
a (intercept, estimate of alpha)-0.08961
Mean Square Error0.56597
DF error10.00000
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for beta-3.42016
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for beta4.38306
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for alpha-1.95803
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for alpha1.77880
Treynor index (mean / b)0.02541
Jensen alpha (a)-0.08961
- Ratio statistics of excess log return rates
- Statistics related to Sharpe ratio
Sharpe ratio (Glass type estimate)-0.31941
Sharpe ratio (Hedges UMVUE)-0.29704
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for Sharpe Ratio-2.27671
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for Sharpe Ratio1.65209
Lowerbound of 95% CI (Gibbons, Hedeker & Davis approximation-2.26093
Upperbound of 95% CI (Gibbons, Hedeker & Davis approximation1.66685
- Statistics related to Sortino ratio
Sortino ratio-0.40082
Upside Potential Ratio1.65857
Upside part of mean1.00383
Downside part of mean-1.24642
Upside SD0.40910
Downside SD0.60524
N nonnegative terms7.00000
N negative terms5.00000
- Statistics related to linear regression on benchmark
N of observations12.00000
Mean of predictor0.20160
Mean of criterion-0.24259
SD of predictor0.12981
SD of criterion0.75950
b (slope, estimate of beta)0.45332
a (intercept, estimate of alpha)-0.33398
Mean Square Error0.63072
DF error10.00000
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for beta-3.65685
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for beta4.56348
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for alpha-2.28791
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for alpha1.61996
Treynor index (mean / b)-0.53515
Jensen alpha (a)-0.33398
- Risk estimates for a one-period unit investment (parametric)
- assuming log normal returns and losses (using central moments from Sharpe statistics)
Expected Shortfall on VaR0.37454
- assuming Pareto losses only (using partial moments from Sortino statistics)
Expected Shortfall on VaR0.33470
- Quartiles of return rates
Number of observations12.00000
Quartile 10.76866
Quartile 31.20465
Mean of quarter 10.73197
Mean of quarter 20.92839
Mean of quarter 31.14002
Mean of quarter 41.21302
Inter Quartile Range0.43599
Number outliers low0.00000
Percentage of outliers low0.00000
Mean of outliers low0.00000
Number of outliers high0.00000
Percentage of outliers high0.00000
Mean of outliers high0.00000
- Risk estimates for a one-period unit investment (based on Ex
Extreme Value Index (moments method)-967603.00000
VaR(95%) (moments method)0.27610
Expected Shortfall (moments method)0.00000
Extreme Value Index (regression method)-10.36240
VaR(95%) (regression method)0.62076
Expected Shortfall (regression method)0.62076
- Quartiles of draw downs
Number of observations1.00000
Quartile 10.45170
Quartile 30.45170
Mean of quarter 10.00000
Mean of quarter 20.00000
Mean of quarter 30.00000
Mean of quarter 40.00000
Inter Quartile Range0.00000
Number outliers low0.00000
Percentage of outliers low0.00000
Mean of outliers low0.00000
Number of outliers high0.00000
Percentage of outliers high0.00000
Mean of outliers high0.00000
- Risk estimates based on draw downs (based on Extreme Value T
Extreme Value Index (moments method)0.00000
VaR(95%) (moments method)0.00000
Expected Shortfall (moments method)0.00000
Extreme Value Index (regression method)0.00000
VaR(95%) (regression method)0.00000
Expected Shortfall (regression method)0.00000
Annualized return (arithmetic extrapolation)-0.19320
Compounded annual return (geometric extrapolation)-0.19320
Calmar ratio (compounded annual return / max draw down)-0.42773
Compounded annual return / average of 25% largest draw downs0.00000
Compounded annual return / Expected Shortfall lognormal-0.51584
- Analysis based on DAILY values, full history
- Ratio statistics of excess return rates
- Statistics related to Sharpe ratio
Sharpe ratio (Glass type estimate)0.21504
Sharpe ratio (Hedges UMVUE)0.21443
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for Sharpe Ratio-1.72313
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for Sharpe Ratio2.15285
Lowerbound of 95% CI (Gibbons, Hedeker & Davis approximation-1.72355
Upperbound of 95% CI (Gibbons, Hedeker & Davis approximation2.15242
- Statistics related to Sortino ratio
Sortino ratio0.28146
Upside Potential Ratio6.32218
Upside part of mean4.35006
Downside part of mean-4.15640
Upside SD0.57860
Downside SD0.68806
N nonnegative terms148.00000
N negative terms120.00000
- Statistics related to linear regression on benchmark
N of observations268.00000
Mean of predictor0.22188
Mean of criterion0.19367
SD of predictor0.12854
SD of criterion0.90061
b (slope, estimate of beta)-0.16086
a (intercept, estimate of alpha)0.22900
Mean Square Error0.81371
DF error266.00000
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for beta-1.00650
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for beta0.68478
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for alpha-1.53673
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for alpha1.99545
Treynor index (mean / b)-1.20395
Jensen alpha (a)0.22936
- Ratio statistics of excess log return rates
- Statistics related to Sharpe ratio
Sharpe ratio (Glass type estimate)-0.25016
Sharpe ratio (Hedges UMVUE)-0.24945
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for Sharpe Ratio-2.18800
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for Sharpe Ratio1.68804
Lowerbound of 95% CI (Gibbons, Hedeker & Davis approximation-2.18747
Upperbound of 95% CI (Gibbons, Hedeker & Davis approximation1.68856
- Statistics related to Sortino ratio
Sortino ratio-0.30418
Upside Potential Ratio5.37011
Upside part of mean4.19793
Downside part of mean-4.43571
Upside SD0.53786
Downside SD0.78172
N nonnegative terms148.00000
N negative terms120.00000
- Statistics related to linear regression on benchmark
N of observations268.00000
Mean of predictor0.21353
Mean of criterion-0.23778
SD of predictor0.12864
SD of criterion0.95055
b (slope, estimate of beta)-0.01944
a (intercept, estimate of alpha)-0.23363
Mean Square Error0.90693
DF error266.00000
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for beta-0.91151
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for beta0.87263
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for alpha-2.09735
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for alpha1.63008
Treynor index (mean / b)12.22940
Jensen alpha (a)-0.23363
- Risk estimates for a one-period unit investment (parametric)
- assuming log normal returns and losses (using central moments from Sharpe statistics)
Expected Shortfall on VaR0.11468
- assuming Pareto losses only (using partial moments from Sortino statistics)
Expected Shortfall on VaR0.07288
- Quartiles of return rates
Number of observations268.00000
Quartile 10.98698
Quartile 31.02326
Mean of quarter 10.93955
Mean of quarter 20.99765
Mean of quarter 31.01293
Mean of quarter 41.05324
Inter Quartile Range0.03628
Number outliers low17.00000
Percentage of outliers low0.06343
Mean of outliers low0.86634
Number of outliers high12.00000
Percentage of outliers high0.04478
Mean of outliers high1.12654
- Risk estimates for a one-period unit investment (based on Ex
Extreme Value Index (moments method)0.32438
VaR(95%) (moments method)0.04711
Expected Shortfall (moments method)0.08748
Extreme Value Index (regression method)0.36338
VaR(95%) (regression method)0.05197
Expected Shortfall (regression method)0.10211
- Quartiles of draw downs
Number of observations12.00000
Quartile 10.01155
Quartile 30.04107
Mean of quarter 10.00314
Mean of quarter 20.01938
Mean of quarter 30.03127
Mean of quarter 40.33275
Inter Quartile Range0.02951
Number outliers low0.00000
Percentage of outliers low0.00000
Mean of outliers low0.00000
Number of outliers high2.00000
Percentage of outliers high0.16667
Mean of outliers high0.47778
- Risk estimates based on draw downs (based on Extreme Value T
Extreme Value Index (moments method)-25.68040
VaR(95%) (moments method)0.14768
Expected Shortfall (moments method)0.14768
Extreme Value Index (regression method)-1.00124
VaR(95%) (regression method)0.72438
Expected Shortfall (regression method)0.81849
Annualized return (arithmetic extrapolation)-0.18888
Compounded annual return (geometric extrapolation)-0.18932
Calmar ratio (compounded annual return / max draw down)-0.30401
Compounded annual return / average of 25% largest draw downs-0.56894
Compounded annual return / Expected Shortfall lognormal-1.65085
- Analysis based on DAILY values, last 6 months only
- Ratio statistics of excess return rates
- Statistics related to Sharpe ratio
Sharpe ratio (Glass type estimate)0.08610
Sharpe ratio (Hedges UMVUE)0.08560
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for Sharpe Ratio-2.68585
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for Sharpe Ratio2.85780
Lowerbound of 95% CI (Gibbons, Hedeker & Davis approximation-2.68623
Upperbound of 95% CI (Gibbons, Hedeker & Davis approximation2.85742
- Statistics related to Sortino ratio
Sortino ratio0.11259
Upside Potential Ratio6.45479
Upside part of mean5.84729
Downside part of mean-5.74529
Upside SD0.75643
Downside SD0.90588
N nonnegative terms67.00000
N negative terms64.00000
- Statistics related to linear regression on benchmark
N of observations131.00000
Mean of predictor0.10168
Mean of criterion0.10200
SD of predictor0.14915
SD of criterion1.18469
b (slope, estimate of beta)0.30595
a (intercept, estimate of alpha)0.07089
Mean Square Error1.41227
DF error129.00000
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for beta-1.07666
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for beta1.68857
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for alpha-3.25726
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for alpha3.39904
Treynor index (mean / b)0.33337
Jensen alpha (a)0.07089
- Ratio statistics of excess log return rates
- Statistics related to Sharpe ratio
Sharpe ratio (Glass type estimate)-0.51486
Sharpe ratio (Hedges UMVUE)-0.51189
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for Sharpe Ratio-3.28641
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for Sharpe Ratio2.25862
Lowerbound of 95% CI (Gibbons, Hedeker & Davis approximation-3.28439
Upperbound of 95% CI (Gibbons, Hedeker & Davis approximation2.26062
- Statistics related to Sortino ratio
Sortino ratio-0.62099
Upside Potential Ratio5.35520
Upside part of mean5.59070
Downside part of mean-6.23900
Upside SD0.69652
Downside SD1.04398
N nonnegative terms67.00000
N negative terms64.00000
- Statistics related to linear regression on benchmark
N of observations131.00000
Mean of predictor0.09059
Mean of criterion-0.64830
SD of predictor0.14938
SD of criterion1.25918
b (slope, estimate of beta)0.51600
a (intercept, estimate of alpha)-0.69505
Mean Square Error1.59183
DF error129.00000
VAR (95 Confidence Intrvl)0.09300
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for beta-0.94965
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for beta1.98166
Lowerbound of 95% confidence interval for alpha-4.22779
Upperbound of 95% confidence interval for alpha2.83769
Treynor index (mean / b)-1.25639
Jensen alpha (a)-0.69505
- Risk estimates for a one-period unit investment (parametric)
- assuming log normal returns and losses (using central moments from Sharpe statistics)
Expected Shortfall on VaR0.15000
- assuming Pareto losses only (using partial moments from Sortino statistics)
Expected Shortfall on VaR0.10455
- Quartiles of return rates
Number of observations131.00000
Quartile 10.98048
Quartile 31.02902
Mean of quarter 10.91667
Mean of quarter 20.99659
Mean of quarter 31.01833
Mean of quarter 41.07093
Inter Quartile Range0.04854
Number outliers low10.00000
Percentage of outliers low0.07634
Mean of outliers low0.83437
Number of outliers high7.00000
Percentage of outliers high0.05344
Mean of outliers high1.15363
- Risk estimates for a one-period unit investment (based on Ex
Extreme Value Index (moments method)0.09028
VaR(95%) (moments method)0.06015
Expected Shortfall (moments method)0.09036
Extreme Value Index (regression method)0.28641
VaR(95%) (regression method)0.07769
Expected Shortfall (regression method)0.14089
- Quartiles of draw downs
Number of observations3.00000
Quartile 10.03223
Quartile 30.32937
Mean of quarter 10.02844
Mean of quarter 20.03601
Mean of quarter 30.00000
Mean of quarter 40.62273
Inter Quartile Range0.29714
Number outliers low0.00000
Percentage of outliers low0.00000
Mean of outliers low0.00000
Number of outliers high0.00000
Percentage of outliers high0.00000
Mean of outliers high0.00000
- Risk estimates based on draw downs (based on Extreme Value T
Extreme Value Index (moments method)0.00000
VaR(95%) (moments method)0.00000
Expected Shortfall (moments method)0.00000
Extreme Value Index (regression method)0.00000
VaR(95%) (regression method)0.00000
Last 4 Months - Pcnt Negative0.25%
Expected Shortfall (regression method)0.00000
Strat Max DD how much worse than SP500 max DD during strat life?-406113000
Max Equity Drawdown (num days)291
Annualized return (arithmetic extrapolation)-0.53339
Compounded annual return (geometric extrapolation)-0.46227
Calmar ratio (compounded annual return / max draw down)-0.74233
Compounded annual return / average of 25% largest draw downs-0.74233
Compounded annual return / Expected Shortfall lognormal-3.08167
Strategy Description
There is only one guarantee about the stock market...prices will fluctuate.
Every day global markets move up and down as stocks react to economic news, earnings reports, analyst ratings, monetary policy, geopolitics and world events.
While typical investment strategies only generate profits when stocks go up, our mission is to help traders build wealth regardless of market direction.
Our tactical long/short strategy identifies near-term market trends to capitalize on both rising and falling prices, enabling us to profit in bull and bear markets.
By design, our strategy is focused solely on Micro E-mini S&P 500 Index Futures (MES).
S&P 500 Index Futures offer an efficient and cost-effective way to gain market exposure to the S&P 500 Index, a broad-based, capitalization-weighted index that tracks 500 of the largest companies of the US economy.
We leverage the power of S&P 500 Index Futures to maximize the profit potential of each trade and the total return on investment (ROI). We believe futures trading offers unique advantages such as greater leverage, efficient markets, low commissions and tax benefits.
Unlike some Trade Leaders who trade multiple strategies or multiple asset classes, we keep things simple by trading one strategy and one asset class. Our singular focus allows us to remain disciplined in our approach and consistent in our performance.
Trading methodology:
Our strategy is discretionary, not automated. We enter trades and manage positions as we observe price action in real-time. Trades are executed as price reacts to specific support/resistance levels we have mapped out as part of our daily trade plan. We use several technical indicators to guide our exit/entry points as each trade develops.
The maximum number of MES contracts we will hold at any given time is 12. When we have strong conviction in a trade we will enter the position full-sized with 12 contracts, but we may also scale into a position (adding 4 or 6 contracts at a time) as we monitor price action in real-time.
Once we are fully sized (12 contracts) we will always have a stop loss in place. The stop loss will typically be 15-20 points away from our entry and will often be placed just above/below a key support/resistance level. The stop loss is wide enough to give our trade room to work while also exercising proper risk management. We may not have a stop loss in place initially if we are scaling into a position, but we will always have a stop loss in place on any positions held overnight, regardless of position size.
Regardless of position size, profit takes are managed where we typically take 75% profit at our first target. Our first profit target will usually be 5-10 points although this can vary based on volatility and price action. After our first profit target is achieved we will adjust our stop loss to ensure that we never go red once we’re in a winning trade. Once profitable we typically leave a 25% risk-free runner where we will lock-in more profits if price reaches our next target. If we are fully sized, we may leave a 10% risk-free runner which we let run indefinitely and we typically move our stop loss above/below the closest major swing high/low on the 15-minute chart.
If we have a large realized profit we will allow a little more latitude with our runners, especially if we are in a powerful trending market. We may add to our winning position (smaller size) while ensuring that we do not put any large realized profit at risk, or we may exit our runner manually before our stop loss triggers if our remaining runner has a large realized gain of 25 or 50+ points.
Since markets chop between support/resistance levels far more frequently than they trend in one direction, the vast majority of our trades will be completed at the first or second profit target before our stop loss is triggered and we exit the trade. Our goal is to aim for modest gains (think singles & doubles instead of home runs) and generate positive returns to consistently outperform the market.
On most days we will average 1-3 trades per day, but this is not a hard rule and we do not force trades if the set-ups we’re looking for are not present. We may execute more trades if market conditions present actionable opportunities, but on other days we may simply hold a runner or pass on the day entirely if market conditions are not ideal. While most of our trades are completed intra-day, we will occasionally hold positions overnight with a firm stop-loss in place. This is common if we have locked in a profitable trade and are holding a risk-free runner.
We rarely hold a full position heading into a major news event or economic data release such as FOMC, CPI, NFP, etc. Although we may hold a profitable runner heading into one of these events, we believe it is a best practice to trade the price action after these events, not before.
Like any trading strategy, drawdowns are a part of doing business. While our historical performance demonstrates the majority of our trades are profitable, we don’t always get it right. When a trade is moving against us and hits our stop loss, we will exit the trade for a loss, analyze what we learned and move on to the next opportunity. When the market doesn't present a clear advantage, we simply wait on the sidelines and remain in cash until the next opportunity presents itself.
About us:
As a former licensed broker with a major firm, we have more than 20 years of industry experience in the financial markets (both retail and institutional) trading a variety of asset classes including stocks, options and futures. Several years ago we branched out on our own to found TAG Capital, LLC - a small-family owned firm located outside of Raleigh, NC.
Our firm’s primary focus is equity research and analysis where we maintain a diversified equity portfolio as part of our core investment strategy. With our equity investments, we have a firm belief that the secret to building wealth is ‘time in the market’ as opposed to ‘timing the market’. Market timing is difficult and takes years of practice with a disciplined approach. Our market timing efforts are reserved solely for S&P 500 Index Futures where we trade the larger ES contract in our own account and also the smaller MES contract (through the C2 platform). The majority of our profits from trading S&P 500 Index Futures are funneled into our larger equity portfolio where we invest regularly through dollar-cost-averaging.
In addition to our passion for investing, we are equally passionate about delivering a positive customer experience. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out through the Collective2 Message Center. We do our best to reply to messages in a timely manner, but as a general rule we typically don’t review messages between 8AM - 4PM EST during market hours to ensure we remain focused on price action and managing any open positions.
Tom G.
Founder/Chief Investment Officer
TAG Capital, LLC
Latest Activity
Most values on this page (including the Strategy Equity Chart, above) have been adjusted by estimated trading commissions and subscription costs.
Some advanced users find it useful to see "raw" Model Account values. These numbers do not include any commissions, fees, subscription costs, or dividend actions.
Strategy developers can "archive" strategies at any time. This means the strategy Model Account is reset to its initial level and the trade list cleared. However, all archived track records are permanently preserved for evaluation by potential subscribers.
About the results you see on this Web site
Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results.
These results are based on simulated or hypothetical performance results that have certain inherent limitations. Unlike the results shown in an actual performance record, these results do not represent actual trading. Also, because these trades have not actually been executed, these results may have under-or over-compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated or hypothetical trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to these being shown.
In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading. For example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program, which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all of which can adversely affect actual trading results.
Material assumptions and methods used when calculating results
The following are material assumptions used when calculating any hypothetical monthly results that appear on our web site.
- Profits are reinvested. We assume profits (when there are profits) are reinvested in the trading strategy.
- Starting investment size. For any trading strategy on our site, hypothetical results are based on the assumption that you invested the starting amount shown on the strategy's performance chart. In some cases, nominal dollar amounts on the equity chart have been re-scaled downward to make current go-forward trading sizes more manageable. In these cases, it may not have been possible to trade the strategy historically at the equity levels shown on the chart, and a higher minimum capital was required in the past.
- All fees are included. When calculating cumulative returns, we try to estimate and include all the fees a typical trader incurs when AutoTrading using AutoTrade technology. This includes the subscription cost of the strategy, plus any per-trade AutoTrade fees, plus estimated broker commissions if any.
- "Max Drawdown" Calculation Method. We calculate the Max Drawdown statistic as follows. Our computer software looks at the equity chart of the system in question and finds the largest percentage amount that the equity chart ever declines from a local "peak" to a subsequent point in time (thus this is formally called "Maximum Peak to Valley Drawdown.") While this is useful information when evaluating trading systems, you should keep in mind that past performance does not guarantee future results. Therefore, future drawdowns may be larger than the historical maximum drawdowns you see here.
Trading is risky
There is a substantial risk of loss in futures and forex trading. Online trading of stocks and options is extremely risky. Assume you will lose money. Don't trade with money you cannot afford to lose.
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(Current subscribers will remain subscribed. You can see who is subscribed, and control their subscriptions, on your Subscriber Management screen.)
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Suggested Minimum Capital
This is our estimate of the minimum amount of capital to follow a strategy, assuming you use the smallest reasonable AutoTrade Scaling % for the strategy.